Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Yarn in the Mail!

So I am currently participating in 2 swaps that are finishing up right now.

The Hand Dyed Sock Yarn Swap
I recieved Yarn from Sabrina Here it is in all it's glory!

I am sending my yarn out to my partner Jessica today. It was my first time dying and I don't want to give away the surprise so pics to come after she recieves it.

The Get Stitchy Hand Dyed Yarn Swap.
In this I was sent yarn dyed with Kool Aid by Sinnomen in PA The package smelled so yummy when opened!
So for this swap our partners don't know who we are until they get their yarn. SO HRMRMRHRM dosen't know that her yarn is also on it's way as of today.

Also I spent some time over at Raverly and Get Stitchy today updating my FO's and such. But for another day... I must go to the Post Office before they close at 7 pm and I still have much to do today.. how the internet can suck up your time!!!


knitphomaniac said...

I'm glad you liked the package! Sorry it took me a while to respond to your blog... I've been swamped!

Bubblesknits said...

Hey girl! I just got your package and the yarn is gorgeous! And I can't even begin to thank you for the tea...I've caught a cold and I almost cried with relief when I saw the Mango/Passionfruit! I'm drinking a cup as we speak. :-) Oh, and the little sheepy magnet is up on my fridge! Thanks for being such a great swap pal!

Valerie said...

Congrats on the Goodies!