Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Really long time away...

I'm a horrible blogger. Really, I can't remember to do it.. it's been what, a year and a half since I said I had a nephew. I mean, I've been blogging elsewhere since then. Over on the blog for my Art Collective, One Stone Collective, but that is just my work for the group shows.
Our First was in June of 2009, "Compass"
This shot is of one of the 2 pieces I made. In this piece, Compass Drawings in 3 parts, the drawings are mounted on 3 found windows.

Our second was in March 2010, "Archetypes: These Role(s) We Wear"
I made 5 portraits of strong women of war using traditionally feminine craft techniques.
This is the WWI- Red Cross Nurse, who is embroidered

I've been making and working on millions of other things as well. For example, we moved & bought our very first home about 2 months ago.

The house has a disputed age, but our best guess using town records is that it was built in 1923. It's 3 stories, thought the 3rd or attic level has no heat, it does have 4 rooms and a large closet. 2 of the rooms are guest space, while the other 2 are our dirty & working studios. The second floor has our bedroom, with what was and will hopefully be again, a sunroom that we'd like to also make our library. Next to it is the hubs Office and the remaining room is my sewing, knitting, paper studio/office. The house has not be updated in a good 20 years, so there is tons of work for us to do, but i has a yard, so we're all happy, including the dog.

We've also been doing lots of fun things, like attending my brother's paper wedding. He and his wife are now living in Anchorage, Alaska; and before they moved they had a civil ceremony so they would be legally married on paper, for emergency's. They plan on having a real celebratory wedding with all their friends & family in the next year or so.
Don't they look happy on such a chilly January day!

Lastly, I'm getting ready to attend the wedding of my BFF from High School. I've been doing a bunch of embroidery as wedding gifts for her & her HS sweetheart. This is the smaller of the 2 pieces.

I'm hoping to make more regular posts, but who knows if I'll be able to remember to keep it up.